Cryptomania Exchange Pro v2.0.4 Nulled – Does your trading app protect order cancellation during exchange process? Does your trading app protect same withdrawal twice by hitting same url with software? Does your trading app has all accounting transaction for better understanding?
Cryptomania Exchange Pro v2.0.4 Nulled

Does your trading app provide full reports of anything? Does your trading app allow you to create or control any coin as you wish? Does your trading app let you create any coin pair for exchange? Does your trading app offer expert trading view?
Cryptomania Exchange Pro v2.0.4 Nulled
How To Install Cryptomania
Pre Requisites
Linux Server Minimum RAM 2GB Minimum Space 40GB PHP 7.2+ Database (Preferred MYSQL 5.7+) Apache 2.4/Nginx Server Process Control System (Preferred Supervisord) PHP Dependency Manager (Preferred Composer) Redis Server For Queue Management Node Package Manager (Preferred NPM)
Installation Process
Copy the project to the server. Unzip project to preferred location. ex: /var/www/html/ Make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env Make a database with collation named utf8mb4_unicode_ci Config .env APP_NAME=”Cryptomania Crypto” APP_ENV=production APP_KEY= APP_DEBUG=false APP_URL= LOG_CHANNEL=stack DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE= DB_USERNAME= DB_PASSWORD= BROADCAST_DRIVER=redis CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 QUEUE_DRIVER=redis REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST= MAIL_PORT= MAIL_USERNAME= MAIL_PASSWORD= MAIL_ENCRYPTION= MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS= MAIL_FROM_NAME= ADMIN_SETTING_STORAGE=database ROUTE_STORAGE=cache Give write permission to bootstrap/cache and storage directory Run following command php atrisan key:generate composer install php artisan migrate –seed php artisan storage:link
Cryptomania Exchange Pro v2.0.4 Nulled Setup Supervisor
Create 2 new supervisord config with the following configuration 1. Horizon Supervisor Config “` [program:cryptomania] process_name=%(program_name)s command=php /var/www/html/cryptomania/artisan horizon autostart=true autorestart=true user=rana redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/cryptomania-horizon.log “` Change `program` `command path` `user` `logfile path` 2. Echo Server Config [program:cryptomania-echo-server] process_name=%(program_name)s command=laravel-echo-server start –dir=/var/www/html/cryptomania autostart=true autorestart=true user=rana redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/cryptomania-echo-server.log Change program command path user logfile path After these configurations run following command servervisorctl reread servervisorctl update servervisorctl start all php artisan clear:all php artisan horizon terminate
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