Very useful module for mass voting Stories. HyperVote Nulled has advanced targeting options and an in-built Task Manager system.
Important notice: Your server should match minimum system requirements because HyperVote it’s a huge datA volume process. This will eat not a small part of your server RAM (operative memory).
HyperVote Module Nulled 
These modules are not a standalone app. You need to get the main NextPost Script. Also, we suggest using our web server configuration tutorial for Nextpost before the installation of the module.
Also, you should know that all downloadable products non-returnable.
Developers are not responsible for any issues related to IG accounts. We can’t guarantee lifetime workability and safety, because IG can change or update something in API.
Minimum system requirements
- Nginx. Apache not supported. If you complicated in Nginx engine configuration, use our guide to setup server for Nextpost.
- Checks, if your PHP runs with FPM (sometimes module can not work correctly because command ignore_user_abort(1) will be ignored in HyperloopController.php). If all working fine for you, just ignore this notice and go to the next step.
- For 10 active accounts is min. 400Mb of RAM. That’s means if you want to promote 100 accounts you need min. 4GB of RAM. This values can be different in your case, you should check everything yourself and, if it’s needed, upgrade your server.
HyperVote Module v2.0 Nulled Features
- One time purchase (lifetime license, but only 1 year of updates, after that period access to updates should be upgraded with extra fee, of course, you can use the old version without any limitations)
- Count of seen stories per day depends on followers quality of targeted account
- You can set multiple targets
- Unlimited accounts usage
Yo, what’s up? error not open
module doesnt worked for me, is there any update for that?
Where is hypapi-v.1 for /app/vendor/mgp25 folder?
It looks like something very useful right away
this link not working
Thank You Numair
working, Thanks