Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 Nulled s the leading social network software packed with amazing and customizable features. A wide range of available settings allows you to configure the system to suit your needs. You may also easily disable features you do not need.
Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 – Nulled – Free Download
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Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 Nulled Features:
News Feed
News feed plugin allow your members to post picture,videos,polls e.t.c
Tag Friend
You can tag your friends in a post or photos of yours or your friends
Post Background
Crea8social let your members to use the new post background technology in their posts to beautify their post
Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 Nulled Photos/Videos module
Let your members to upload photos,videos and share with friends
Instant Messaging
Your members can chat with each other and can also see who’s online
Video / Audio Call
Crea8social let your members to video / audio call with their friends with our premium video call plugin
Polls Directory
Let your members to create polls and allow their friends to vote
Push Notification
With push notification your members will never miss any events on their account
Group Module
Crea8social let your members to join,create group and share similar things
Crea8social is the leading social network software packed with amazing and customizable features. A wide range of available settings allows you to configure the system to suit your needs. You may also easily disable features you do not need. The free features bundled with the script includes the following but are not limited;
Membership Billing
Another way to monetize your website is by allowing paid membership subscription, by this you will have different user roles with different access to your website contents.
Paid membership plans
Create membership subscription plans for different member levels with different access and prices, and charge for access to certain parts of the community. You can bill your members on a recurring schedule (weekly, monthly or yearly) or just charge them a one- time fee for access to additional features.
Subscribe during signup
You can give your users the option of signing up for a subscription plan during their signup process. Alternately, membership plans may also be hidden from new members upon signup.
Transaction logging
Track your subscriptions and all of the payments you receive from your users easily through the admin panel.
Payment gateway support
Hook your Stripe or PayPal account up to Crea8social and start accepting payments from your users in minutes. Support for other payment gateways can be added too.
Multiple currencies
Select from various currencies no matter what country you’re from, or add your own currency if the one you’re looking for is not listed.
Business Page Module
Let your members to create their business page on your network
Live Video Streaming
With our premium Live video plugin Your members can start live video streaming with crea8social
Games Module
Your members can play games on your network with our game module
CDN Storage
Content Delivery Network is very important in social network system, that why we have that available for you to store your members assets in a CDN Storage like Amazon s3 or your own hosted CDN Storage
Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 Nulled Social Integration
With our social integration your members can signup with their social accounts and with our premium social publisher they auto publish post to facebook, twitter
Still forum system is important in social network, with our forum plugin your members can create threads and discuss similar ideas
Event Module
Create let your members to create event and RSVP their friends events
Music Module
Let your members to create music album, listing to songs e.t.c on your network
Let your members to create blogs for their friends to read on your network
Crea8SocialPRO 7.1 Nulled And Many More
Create comes with tons of feature you can test the demo to see this features
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